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New Airdrop: NFTL by CyberTime Total reward: 150.000 NFTL + | Airdrop Detective

New Airdrop: NFTL by CyberTime

Total reward: 150.000 NFTL + 6 NFT

CyberTime is audited by
Certik and listed on PancakeSwap and CoinMarketCap.

Visit the Airdrop Page

Join their Telegram group. (Mandatory)
Follow CyberTime in Twitter and retweet the pinned post by tagging 3 friends. (Mandatory)
Do the other optional tasks on the airdrop page.
Submit your details to the airdrop page.

The top 15 in the leaderboard will earn NFTL + NFT. The project team will randomly reward 85 valid participants. The distribution date announced by the project is the 22nd of June.