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Shizuki V3.5.0 #FEBRUARY #UPDATE Sticker Module (Rewrite): | 🇧🇩 S1 BOTS />

Shizuki V3.5.0

Sticker Module (Rewrite):
Normal Sticker Pack:
- Reply /kang to any image or normal sticker. (as before)
Animated Sticker Pack:
- Reply /kang to any .tgs file or animated sticker.
Video Sticker Pack (New):
- Now it can convert Videos/GIFs to Video Stickers and create your personal packs. Try to reply /kang to as small video/gif as possible as only first 3 seconds matter!
Get Sticker Base Files:
Reply /get_sticker to get png/tgs/webm file. You can send it to @stickers to create custom packs!

Pack Kang Module:
➢ Yup, now you can kang the whole sticker pack with ease along with custom name. Reply /packkang [new pack name] to a sticker to kang the sticker pack with new pack name.

Some Useless Command:
➢ /stt : Convert audio into text.
➢ /tts : Convert text into speech.
➢ /pdf : Make pdf from group of images.
➢ /plet : Generate RGB Sticker with text.
➢ /round : Make rounded sticker from media.
➢ /figlet : Make fancy style text using Figlet.
➢ /glitch : Glitch an image or sticker or gifs.

Silent Mode For Admins:
➢ Now admins can use the commands in group without keeping the action records or showing the action to the users. Simply put 's' before any of admin command to do it silently.

Note: We will continue to develop new features made possible by the new Telegram update: more updates will come in the coming weeks. Cheers !!

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