Hi everyone, today we are releasing a new update for FastlyWri | 🇬🇧 Bots Of Gamer | BOG
Hi everyone, today we are releasing a new update for FastlyWrite and new update of GroupProtections!
You can read the GroupProtections update in the dedicated channel, click on the following link:
- https://t.me/GroupProtections/10
Sending Mode
We've added new different options of how the bot will send the words.
There are 2 new different options:
- As link
- As link with spoiler
We've added new themes, now you can choose to receive the amoled version of the color, through the Themes panel on the /fw command
From now on you will be able to change the font of the words, and you can change it from the /fw command.
If you want to propose any other font contact us
Minor Updates
We've added an internal GlobalBan System, we've created an internal team that will evaluate every report sent by our users and eventually ban every user that abuse in any way our bot to climb the ranking level. Banned users won't be able to write words, and are not displayed in any leaderboard
We've updated our 1000 users top WebPage and now follow all the new leaderboard rules and the graphic is better then before, check it out
Please report any bug in our Support Group
This is all for this update, but don't worry we have some new features coming soon