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Rules for determining if a noun is masculine or feminine 1. L | Russian

Rules for determining if a noun is masculine or feminine

1. Look at the last letter of the word:
2. If it is a consonant, or “й”, the word is masculine.
3. If it is “а” or “я” it is feminine.
4. If it is “о” or “е” it is neuter.
5. If it is a soft sign “ь” then it could be either masculine or feminine. (relative to the above four, this doesn't happen to often)

There are very few exceptions to these rules, but there are five notable ones which occur mainly because of physical gender.

Папа – (Daddy, Papa) – Is Masculine
Дядя – (Uncle) – Is Masculine
Дедушка – (Grandfather) – Is Masculine
Мужчина – (Man) – Is Masculine
Кофе – (Coffee) – Is Masculine
