2023-04-14 22:00:00
Project Veritas MUST expand!
Independent media organizations holding those in power accountable is critical to the future of our democracy.
The last few years have proven that government-funded media outlets like NPR are seemingly willing to put objective journalism aside and do the bidding of the political overlords lining their pockets.
This undermines the fundamental role that media is meant to play in ensuring transparency and accountability in government.
We are calling on Americans everywhere to help FUND an expansion of Project Veritas because we are the only media outlet working around the clock to hold the powerful accountable.
As a 501c3 Non-Profit organization, Project Veritas is uniquely positioned to expand through tax-deductible donations in ways that for-profit media organizations simply cannot.
Truth telling is incompatible with a commercial imperative, and we assure you that we are beholden to no one.
No advertiser or government asset is telling us what to report on.
In fact, Project Veritas goes where no other media entity is willing. Big Pharma, Big Tech, three-letter agencies and more. You know we expose them all.
We know we must expand, but we are going to need your help to do it.
We need to hire more journalists, hire more video editors, and buy more undercover equipment.
There has never been a better time than now to help fund the expansion of Project Veritas!
You will directly impact the future of our independent journalism by pledging a tax-deductible donation of $50, $100, $250 or more today!
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