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'Let's Go Beyond, Together' Project Overview Ball Aerospace | ✨Quantum Stellar Initiative (QSI)✨

"Let's Go Beyond, Together"

Project Overview
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp (Ball) is an American manufacturer of spacecraft, components and instruments for national defense, civil space, and commercial space applications

Notable Projects and Collaborations:
- NASA Missions: Hubble Space Telescope, James Webb Space Telescope, Mars Perseverance rover
- “ satellites” partnership with Stellar Blu &
- Commercial Partnerships: including Vast & Launcher & commercial space station

Lastest News

21 May 2023: Heart Transplant, NASA Style: Roman Space Telescope Gets Its Core: studying dark matter, dark energy, and exoplanets will be ready for integration into the observatory by Spring 2024, with a launch targeted for May 2027

9 May 2023: Space Market Share From 2023 And Unlimited Opportunities for New Companies

8 May 2023: Ball Aerospace zeroes in on future technologies: The backlog for the company’s portfolio jumped 20 percent between 2021 and 2022 to reach $3 billion. Another $5 billion in Ball contracts booked were not yet added to the backlog, the company reported in February

Passive Income Opportunities in Stellar - PROJECTS AURORA:

Passive Income Assets:
Project Aurora & Ukaz:

48 hour ICO: 1.2mil XLM @ 0.05 XLM price point

Cashback in tokens:

5,000 XLM - 50%
10,000 XLM - 100%
25,000 XLM - 250%
50,000 XLM - 500%
100,000 XLM - 1,000%
250,000 XLM - 2,500%
500,000 XLM - 5,000%
750,000 XLM - 7,500%
1,000,000 XLM - 15,000%


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