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Keep your rider account active and secure Working with Delive | Deliveroo SG Riders - Official Announcements

Keep your rider account active and secure

Working with Deliveroo allows flexibility of work, you can even engage others to deliver orders using your rider account (aka Substitutes).

When engaging a Substitute, you must ensure they:
Are over 18 years old
Is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident
Have a valid driving licence and appropriate commercial insurance if operating a motorbike and/or a valid PAB Theory Test Certificate if operating a PAB
Have not had a previous Supplier Agreement with Deliveroo terminated due to a material breach of its terms

It’s important that you make sure your Substitute meets these requirements to work with Deliveroo – otherwise your account may be suspended or terminated and you won't be able to work with Deliveroo in the future.

Should you have any questions feel free to reach out to the Rider Support Team [Contact Us].