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So many people on farsi twitter are low quality Xerox copies o | Silver Tongue

So many people on farsi twitter are low quality Xerox copies of basic flavorless American accounts and think they're so different and unique disagreeing with pro diversity actions and such. When in fact they are just parroting bitter normie words and opinions. Words that come from a place of prejudice and sometimes are just masked hate. Cause honestly why would anyone care if a character is LGBT/poc? No one cares when they're straight and white. So what's difference? Other than you hating to see them ofc.

So many times, like this friends example, the opinions they pretend to have are *directly* harming *them* and the groups they are from! but they are just so drunk off of a false sense of superiority from getting points from racist/ sexist/ homophobic film bros, that they can't even recall basic facts about the show itself.