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ACTION ITEM TODAY/TOMORROW! (easy too!) Please Email and Cal | Amber Sears


Please Email and Call Governor Abbot to have him instate 3 new Bills that will STOP Vaccine mandates in Texas!

Phone (512) 463-2000 from 9 am-5 pm
Send the message on the web contact form https://gov.texas.gov/contact

Say or email this:
"Dear Governor Abbot, Please take a strong stand against Biden’s forced employer vaccinations and add HB 24, HB 39, HB 125 and SB 24 to the call for special session so that employees in Texas aren't forced to be vaccinated against their will in order to keep their job and provide for their families.

Tens of thousands of Texans are losing their jobs because they don’t want to take a COVID-19 vaccine or they reacted to their first dose and don’t want to take a second. Many Texans have already had COVID-19 and are immune so the vaccine only poses a risk to them. Multiple employers have already fired employees over this and other vaccines. Where there is risk there must always be a choice.

There’s nothing stopping anybody who wants a vaccine from getting one, and it goes too far crossing the line for an employer to mandate an invasive vaccine as a condition of employment."

Or follow the directions here: