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Couch potato Spending too much time on the internet or watch | American English

Couch potato
Spending too much time on the internet or watching TV.
My uncle is such a couch potato! He often spends his Saturdays watching American football on TV.

Full of beans
A person who is lively, active and healthy.
My 6 year old nephew is full of beans! He has more energy than three adults.

A bad egg
Someone who is untrustworthy.
Hey, Sue, I think your neighbour is a bad egg. He has these scary looking guys in black leather hanging around his place all the time.

Down to earth
Someone who is practical and realistic.
My aunt Karen is so down to earth. She can figure out any difficult situation, and offer a good solution.

Party pooper
A person who is gloomy, and having no fun at a social gathering.
Listen, my friend, I’m so sorry to be a party pooper, but I have to study for my IELTS speaking exam tomorrow.

Eager beaver
A person who is hardworking and enthusiastic.
My colleague drives me crazy! She is such an eager beaver that she always volunteers for overtime.

Ball in your court
It’s your decision or responsibility to do something now.
Well, my friend, the ball’s in your court. I’ll wait for your decision.

Get a head start
Start before all others.
Let’s get up early tomorrow to get a head start on our drive to Toronto.

Jump the gun
Start too early.
I think I jumped the gun by buying my friends James and Susan a wedding gift. They just called off their engagement.

Give it my best shot
Try your hardest.
This test question is really tough! I’ll give it my best shot, and I’ll get some marks for doing my best.
