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Where to get data for your next machine learning project? | Artificial Intelligence

Where to get data for your next machine learning project?

An overview of 8 amazing resources to accelerate your next project with data!

Google Datasets
Easy to search Datasets on Google Dataset Search engine as it is to search for anything on Google Search! You just enter the topic on which you need to find a Dataset.

Papers with Code Datasets
An exclusive collection of 4053 machine learning datasets with a supreme search and a good composition of datasets .

Kaggle Dataset
Explore, analyze, and share quality data.

Big Bad NLP Datasets
One of the best sources for sophisticated Natural Language Processing datasets

Hugging Face Datasets
Well known for NLP but good news hugging face is expanding and they can add datasets for machine learning soon, they have 921 datasets.

Open Data on AWS
This registry exists to help people discover and share datasets that are available via AWS resources

Awesome Public Datasets
A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.

Azure public data sets
This one has public data sets for testing and prototyping.

Carnegie Mellon University
A listing of 750 databases, datasets, and research support tools.

Bonus: This articles on Kdnuggets covers around 80 datasets sources of the datasets. Enjoy machine learning.


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