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Vazgen Manukyan: Nikol Pashinyan should leave immediately, but | artsakheng

Vazgen Manukyan: Nikol Pashinyan should leave immediately, but the former ones should not return to power

"If Nikol Pashinyan leaves, but people come, for whom the thirst for power, money, inequality, election fraud, distribution of money in elections is the norm, then we have not achieved our goals, another Nikol will arise again," he said.
We simply recall that the phenomena listed by Manukyan were the norm during the presidency of Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Robert Kocharyan, and Serzh Sargsyan. Except the first president, the second and third openly support Vazgen Manukyan, participate in his movement and want him to be elected to the post of prime minister after Pashinyan's resignation. On Manukyan's side, is also the main buyer of votes the billionaire Gagik Tsarukyan.
