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Planet Nine or Planet X Mystery The presence of a large and p | Asgardia Space Nation

Planet Nine or Planet X Mystery

The presence of a large and previously undiscovered planet hiding far beyond Pluto could explain the unique orbits of some smaller objects in the Kuiper Belt, a distant region of icy debris that extends far beyond the orbit of Neptune.

Nicknamed “Planet Nine”, this hypothetical Neptune-sized planet could be 10 times heavier than Earth and orbit 20 times farther from the Sun than Neptune.

Caltech researchers provided mathematical evidence suggesting its presence in Jan. 20 issue of the Astronomical Journal, but no direct observations have been made yet. Planet X has not yet been discovered, and there is debate in the scientific community about whether it exists.

If the planet is found, the actual naming rights will go to the person who discovers it. During the previous searches scientists used the “Planet X” name for hypothetical planet. Astronomers already have started to search for Planet X using world’s most powerful telescopes.
