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If you’ve heard about a movement on boarding people as Federal | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

If you’ve heard about a movement on boarding people as Federal Police Officers, your alarm bells should be going right off.

I don’t generally speak out about other movements, but this one is dangerous and extremely manipulative.

“The Equity of the Peoples Nation” or “the Australia Project” or whatever they want to call themselves, is a farce based on a woman named Teresa Van Lieshout who self appointed herself as Governor General.

Her history has been sketchy. Her connections concerning. And her recent behaviour unhinged.

She then appointed her own police commissioners, so called “Commissioner Murphy”, “Commissioner McBaine” and others.

They were holding “secret” zoom meetings which were recorded with everyone’s names and faces and then passed around.

Sounds exciting, right?

Then one zoom meeting when Teresa lost it, they decided to disown their own Governor General.

Now they are going it alone under a new name and, on top of that, falsifying their movement by passing it off as something official. They have stripped the recording and the audio is being shared everywhere, giving the impression that it’s a “secret police briefing”.


This movement is a danger to us all.

It is not transparent, it is not truthful, it is not based on facts and it is inciting people’s anger and desire for justice in the wrong manner.

Yes, we are at war. But that means we must keep a level head and play smart. This is their game right now and they have us at every level.

Last night I shared a post about standing together. What they are trying to do right now is cause mass division, confusion, chaos and unrestrained anger. This is what collapses nations. This is what they want and so far, we are achieving their agenda.

We all want justice. We all want to end the corruption in government. Most of us want it torn down and a new system in place. But rash, unhinged action will end us in more trouble than we’re already in.


They have been planning this global communistic takeover for a long time. That is why the UN exists. In fact, Australia was a founding nation of the UN. So listen closely...

UN International Law Handbook
Chapter 1, Article 1

The Purposes of the United Nations are:
1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the PREVENTION and REMOVAL of threats to the peace...

So if there happened to be an uprising to overthrow a government who is supported by the Queen and the UN who are all in bed together... what do you think will happen?

Maybe you might consider the Defence Act that was amended to allow the ADF and FOREIGN FORCES immunity from criminal or civil liability to support civil emergencies.

They have their people strategically placed within this movement intentionally to divide, to distract, to wreak havoc and to further their agenda.

Keep your wits about you. Keep
Your eyes open. Do your research. Don’t fall for anything you see on social media - look deeper into everything yourself.

Equity of the People’s Nation:

Falsified “leaked audio”:

Teresa Van Lieshout:

ADF Amendment:

UN International Law: