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Winning a war means actually knowing who your real enemy is an | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

Winning a war means actually knowing who your real enemy is and what they want.

This war is not a vaccine war.

It is not a war of government vs it’s people.

It is much, much deeper, much, much more sinister and much, much more dangerous to every nation across the earth.

It has been planned from before any of us were even born.

A war of the earth.

You might roll your eyes and sarcastically say that is sounds like a movie. Well, you’d be right. That’s one of their propaganda tools. In fact, entertainment has been one of their greatest tools of infiltration into the minds of the world’s populations.

They own Hollywood. They own the media. The own the banks. They own education institutions. Health institutions. They own governments around the world. And through that, they control the direction of humanity.

They wage wars through manipulating the minds of societies and blackmailing governments. They crush nations and people that don’t submit to their control.

Who are they?

They go by many names and use many secret societies, organisations and fraternities such as Freemasonry. But who they really are, right at the top... that’s who you need to know about.

This war is not some basic government corruption. It is the systematic oppression of nations.

The goal is not simply communism as much as communism is the full oppression of freedom. It is a new order, a new system of evil we cannot even comprehend. That is the goal we need to know about.

Without knowing the real who and the real what, we will never win.

We might be more than they, but they control the minds of humanity in a psychological, spiritual and information war we have never seen in the history of the known world.

And it’s past time to break those chains and hold these people accountable.

Read our newest article, “The Real War” here: