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Are you a critical thinker? Do you think for yourself? Becaus | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

Are you a critical thinker?

Do you think for yourself? Because too many people today are not critically thinking, including those who profess to be part of the “freedom movement”.

This happens because people give up responsibility (freedom/sovereignty). They have been taught not to think for themselves, to be compliant to concepts of authority or wait for someone to follow, whoever sounds good at the time.

In fact, thinking and acting for yourself has become illegal. Just like George Orwell’s book “1984” describes.

It’s snuck into our society without us even realising.

I just read somewhere “don’t be critical of yourself, simply love yourself and learn from your mistakes”.


Be critical. We are at a time in history where this is absolutely essential.

The word critical has many meanings, but what it really is is to analyse and evaluate with seriousness and urgency.

So analyse your thought patterns, questions your actions and inactions. Then apply the same process to everything happening around you.

Take back your responsibility to think for yourself.

There are far too many people reacting out of desperation, anger or frustration and not acting logically. So step back and think critically, analyse, be aware. This is an art we are quickly losing in our society (intentionally orchestrated) and if we lose logic and critical thinking, we are all lost.

Many of us are thinking critically about the actions of the “elite”, the government and health “professionals”, but very few are thinking critically about the responses, reactions and “leaders” of the “freedom movement”.

There are so many illogical reactions and thought patterns that are being intentionally spread throughout our networks to cause division, confusion, emotional responses and to stop the people from doing the things that need to happen to order for us to take back our power as the people.

Power is responsibility.

Sovereignty is responsibility.

Freedom is responsibility.

Your responsibility is hard work. Life is struggle, it is challenges, mountains we have to climb. Everything good is on the other side of hard work.

Not drama.

Hard bloody work.

That is why people are so quick to give up responsibility. No one likes the idea of being critical and responsible. Everyone just wants to be entertained and virtue signal from the safety and comfort of their social media platforms.

What we need is more people in our communities standing shoulder to shoulder, shovels in one hand and the other stretched out to help our neighbour.

The more responsibility we all take back as the people, the more power we remove from the oppression blanketing our nation today.