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Brain control through gene editing. According to Klaus Schwab | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

Brain control through gene editing.

According to Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum & the Great Reset, and scientists around the world, remote brain control is the ultimate scientific discovery and something they have been able to achieve through gene edited.

This technology is called CRISPR.

It was designed by a bio hacker by the name of Aaron Traywick, though you’ll be hard pressed to find information on that, because they killed him and took his research.

Though they’ve tried to hide it, CRISPR technology is used for the Covid19 vaccines:

Global control of the earth has been centuries of planning, killing and controlling humanity. Brain control makes their goals much easier.

We have a responsibility to defend and protect the sacredness of our human biology. Our genes are the codes to humanity and just as they erase history, they seek to erase the foundation of who we are as the human race.

This is the Forth Industrial Revolution.