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More than 45 countries know something is wrong and are making | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

More than 45 countries know something is wrong and are making some noise about it.

We were not born to live under the thumb of oppression. We were not born to be bought and sold like cattle by greedy men with god-complexes. We were born as free, living men and women into a system of slavery and it is up to us to take back the freedom we were tricked into signing over.

Nations and people have been ruled over by the biggest force for as long as life itself. This ends when enough of us stand up and say no more.

No more corruption.

No more psychological warfare.

No more communistic and Marxist’s ideology.

No more global agenda.

No more oppression.

They’ve engineered division all through our societies. Men vs women, black vs white... because they know if we become united and organised, they wouldn’t stand a chance.

So build your communities, stand with your people, have each other’s backs and heal the division they have infected us with - the real virus.

United we stand, divided we fall.