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While the media and the masses slam “anti-vaxxers” for being s | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

While the media and the masses slam “anti-vaxxers” for being selfish this weekend in standing up for freedom they all like to say we already have, thousands of nurses, doctors and police all over Queensland are about to lose their jobs and everything they’ve worked for their entire lives, many already have, because they don’t want to be forced into a mass human experiment.

So while you might be sitting around and enjoying your lovely day at the beach, thousands of people all over the state are having breakdowns and desperately trying to work out how to save the roof over their head and provide for their families.

After 20 months of being labeled “heroes” on the frontline, they’re being thrown to the gutter.

I just want to say to everyone out there who have chosen courage over this tyranny, who have lost their jobs or about to... we stand and honour you. We salute you as the real warriors of this fight. And we will gather our communities and do whatever we can, as the people of this nation, to support you.