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Melbourne had an earthquake this morning, coincidentally the d | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

Melbourne had an earthquake this morning, coincidentally the day after a massive protest that closed much of the city and construction workers are on 2 weeks off for protesting against mandatory vaccinations.

People have been talking about weather warfare for years. It’s been happening for a long time. Now they seem to be using it against the Australian people directly.

They’ve got the technology to cause mass damage, earthquakes, tidal waves. It’s all been documented.

Here’s a brief look:

However, there have been scientists (who’ve since been murdered) come out and publicly admit that the technology they allow us to know about is a far cry from what they actually have.

But why attack the people? What purpose does that serve?

It always comes down to money and control. The same reason our nations have been torn to pieces the last few years.

They want chaos.

Because out of their engineered chaos, they can bring in their order - “order out of chaos”.

This is war.

Coincidentally on this day last year, I shared a post about weather manipulation called Geoengineering. Its not a “theory”, it’s a well documented, proven conspiracy against the people. Here’s what I shared 12 months ago:

But it’s just a conspiracy, right?

Harvard scientists will soon send chemicals into the atmosphere to test whether a last-ditch planet-hacking plan could keep Earth habitable:

When will humans understand that trying to control the weather is not helping, but destroying our world. And why the secrecy and the push to control the narrative with “conspiracy” labels? This has been going on for a long, long time.

Again with treating symptoms and not looking at root issues and NATURAL solutions! We already know this is dangerous for humans! Why are these people allowed to play with fire when this could have such a catastrophic impact on all of us.

“Some scientists are strongly opposed to solar geoengineering, saying the method could harm ecosystems and be weaponized.”

Oh, did I mention Bill Gates?

Further reading:

Even our own government talks about it openly (though they say they are yet untested... please. I think they need to update their article):

Just do a Google search: “geoengineering”.

ASA Article: