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What an experience! Went for a drive to the border to meet som | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

What an experience! Went for a drive to the border to meet some NSW ASA crew and drove slightly too far up the highway and ended up having to come back through border control today.

Got interrogated over our ASA shirts.

Here’s something I can’t wrap my head around. You aren’t allowed to drive over the border to relocate or travel, you must fly over.

You can’t cross the border alone in your vehicle, because that’s dangerous and you could bring in COVID. BUT. You can fly over in close quarters with dozens upon dozens of other people... to protect people from a virus.

This is not for your safety. It’s for compliance and submission to tyranny. It’s for social programming to communism.

Met a lovely couple on the border today who follow ASA who live on either side of the border (hey guys, lovely to meet you ). They were told that crossing the border is hit and miss because as the officer said, “who is deemed an essential worker is a gray area”. Some will let them through, others won’t. So they’ve given up and live on seperate sides of a border separating Aussies in our own country!

Does anyone else see the absurdity in that?

Got to experience “the wall” through our country that is supposed to “protect us”. Segregating our country and completely decimating the town it runs through.

On the way back drove past “heavy vehicle” testing and vaccination hubs forced on our truckies who are just trying to keep our country running.

If you think any of this makes sense or is okay, you are an absolute fool.