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Australian MSM announced that our babies will soon be eligible | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

Australian MSM announced that our babies will soon be eligible for the experimental jab causing numerous deaths and injuries worldwide and before schools go back next year, they will be going hard on families to enter their children into the worldwide game of Russian Roulette.

QLD has also recently announced the new two class system. Those compliant to tyranny, if they survive the jab, will be allowed to continue earning a living, providing for their families, getting medical help and participating in society. Those who refuse to be complicit in this communistic takeover will be locked out, segregated and put on watch lists.

But it won’t stop here, on no. These global elite, the private corporations and disgustingly wealthy families who control the world through money and greed, have much bigger plans.

They plan to control the people, the weather, the land, the nations, the businesses and the entirely of our lives. Every aspect.

They have been planning each step for longer than you and I have been alive.

Make no mistake. This is a global takeover and if you don’t stand up to it, your children will suffer.

Coming to a town near you: climate lockdowns and more small business closures to make way for total private corporation ownership.

Fight back .