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Have you always wondered what it would be like to participate | IMUN Batch - CD

Have you always wondered what it would be like to participate in a MUN? Or perhaps you have participated in MUNs before but think your performance could be better? Well, we have got just the right training for you
International Model United Nations (IMUN) presents a FREE MUN training for all IMUN participants. This online training will cover the basics of IMUN:
Committee Sessions, interesting topics, delegates and their role, in-depth research on the country you are representing, position paper submission and more
Learn what a Model UN entails and how you can win that coveted Best Delegate title! Go from 0 to a 100 as you navigate the landscape of international diplomacy, team leadership and collaboration.
This is a training you will carry with you through all other MUNs
Limited time offer, only for IMUN participants. Register now for IMUN 69.0
All participants get special IMUN professional certificates. Displaying them on your professional profiles or higher education applications shows your leadership and collaboration skills as well as international experience
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