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Am I calling the Christians out? Damn straight I am. Exclu | Bethany Cherisse

Am I calling the Christians out?

Damn straight I am.

Excluding people from your churches who do not fit a certain criteria is the greatest, most hypocritical joke of all time.

If you actually think Jesus is okay with your actions and what you're doing, boy do you have another thing coming.

He literally went out of his way to hang out with the unclean and the lepers.

He condemned the synagogues.

He turned his back on the self-righteous virtue signalling Pharisees.

"In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the Commandments of men."

I'd say that's fairly applicable to following the laws & mandates of the government over the instructions and example of a God who NEVER shut ANYONE out.

You may as well have kept your churches shut.

I'm not sure who it is you think you're worshipping, but it's not the person you think it is. It's not the God of the Bible that you preach from.

And if it isn't Him, there's only one other person it can be.

Today on uncomfortable truths you don't like to hear.