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Bethany Cherisse

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Logo of telegram channel bethanycherisse — Bethany Cherisse
Channel address: @bethanycherisse
Categories: Politics
Language: English
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It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

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2021-10-28 08:32:07 It is also a complete misconception to argue that dictators did not have strong support from the people, or were not seen as heroic leaders who worked for and achieved what is still debated by historians today as incredible amounts of good for the people that they ruled with an iron, and often brutal, fist. Most dictators were in fact lauded and heralded by the masses as the heroes of the day. The very same people we now view with contempt and disdain, who have been recorded in the history books as evil tyrants responsible for unspeakable atrocities, were once viewed as champions of the people.

It is truly alarming, to me, that so many people can be utterly ignorant in their knowledge of history. Rather than examining the origins of such types of governments, to see if there is in fact a legitimate reason for concern, it seems that the vast majority are content to derive their knowledge of these regimes from their basic reason for infamy and sensationalised Hollywood scripts. Or, a viral copy paste social media post written by one entirely ignorant to any actual reality, but which provides them with some degree of comforting reassurance so that they need not look any further for truth and facts.
181 views05:32
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2021-10-28 08:31:07 Many argue that the term 'dictator' is not fitting for the supremely malevolent premier of Victoria. I would argue to the contrary.

(n. )
1. Government by a dictator
2. A country governed by a dictator
3. Absolute authority in any sphere

The third definition is of key note.

There is an overwhelming amount of people who would ignorantly discredit and ridicule any comparison between the current path Victoria is taking, authoritarian and totalitarian forms of government, and the suggestion that Premier Daniel Andrews is attempting to place himself in the role of a dictator.

In fact, the statement was made mid last year in a viral post that was copied and pasted to every corner of the internet, that “comparing the current lockdown to a dictatorship is naive and highlights how unbelievably privileged we are in Australia…comparing this lockdown to the struggles of people who have faced real oppression is ignorant and thoughtless…comparing this to a dictatorship diminishes the atrocities that so many people have actually had to face…”.

It went on to discuss the fact that, because there are no extreme measures in place; because people are not kidnapped, imprisoned or made to disappear for speaking out against the government; because there is a lack of propaganda; and because there are no 're-education camps' or brutal methods of punishment, among other things, it is 'disrespectful' and 'naive' to compare this in any sense to the rise of a totalitarian regime.

However, I would make the argument that it is in fact, without question, statements such as these that are inherently and absolutely naive, ignorant, and uneducated.


Well all disputes surrounding propaganda, re-education camps, and the imprisonment of those who speak out against the government aside [and I would also argue that we are quite literally being perpetually subjected to a 24/7 propaganda campaign, camps for dissenters are being constructed as we speak, and there is a growing list of those who have been arrested and threatened with imprisonment for speaking out against this government].

Just because we are not experiencing the END result of a dictatorship in place, does not at all mean one is not beginning.

There is not a single occasion in all of history where a totalitarian or authoritarian regime has occurred overnight. To suggest as much is far more than just ignorance - it is utter lunacy.

I would like to use the frog in the pot analogy. “The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water, which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.”

To make the suggestion that dictatorships occur overnight, and that governments and ruling powers go from 0 to 100 with the snap of a finger, that power is seized all at once, and that totalitarian styles of governments and authoritarian regimes immediately begin with the full-blown propaganda, severe oppression, suppression of all free speech, and the mass imprisonment and extermination for which they are renowned, is nothing short of naive and completely ignorant to the evolution of any dictatorship that has ever taken place. Let me repeat myself: there is not a single time in all of history where a group of people have lost all of their freedoms and rights overnight. It happens gradually. Like heating up the pot to cook the frog, so that it will not jump out.

Are we there yet? Perhaps not. But it is little steps that are taken down a slippery slope along a path to total control. And we are much further along this pathway than we were at this very same time just last year. Which should absolutely alarm you. Propaganda campaigns, suppression of free speech, encroachment on basic rights and freedoms, and the arresting, silencing and repression of all those who dare to voice opposition to the government - all of these have become rife, and penalties and enforcement grow harsher with every passing day.
209 viewsedited  05:31
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2021-10-28 07:05:23 Many people these days tend to confuse human rights and liberties with the government providing them with nice things. I'll take freedom over an encroaching welfare state any day of the week.
208 views04:05
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2021-10-27 15:50:00
"It's that good people do horrible things thinking they are doing something great."
240 views12:50
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2021-10-27 10:53:45
Turkish Tea House in Balwyn
244 views07:53
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2021-10-26 13:20:48
They were able to create and mobilise millions of doses of the vaccine globally in a matter of months, but they haven't been able to solve world hunger despite enough food being produced globally every year to feed the world three times over. Funny that.
360 viewsedited  10:20
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2021-10-26 11:32:50
141 views08:32
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2021-10-26 03:14:29


Protest numbers building on Parliament steps today to oppose the permanent pandemic legislation bill.

Get there! Ongoing until 2pm today!

@vicfreedommovement for updates
29 views00:14
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2021-10-25 15:19:05
It is IMPERATIVE that this absolutely horrifying legislation does NOT pass through the Upper House.

Here is how the votes were split the last time emergency legislation was voted on.

Start calling and emailing ALL of the 'ayes'.
ESPECIALLY the Crossbench Members.

Request that they vote AGAINST any extension of the State of Emergency.

Fiona Patten
Rod Barton
Jeff Bourman
Tim Quilty
Tania Maxwell
David Limbrick
Clifford Hayes
Catherine Cumming
Stuart Grimley
Adam Somyurek
Andy Meddick

Share this far and wide.
172 views12:19
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2021-10-25 15:15:25
The new permanent pandemic legislation which has been proposed by the reigning tyrant of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, is nothing short of terrifying.

He will introduce this into the Lower House in Parliament this week, where it will most likely pass due to Labor holding the majority seats. This Bill will reportedly give HIM and him alone the personal power to declare pandemics AND determine what lockdown restrictions are in place.

As part of the proposed pandemic legislation, under some of the clauses, pandemic orders may apply to “classes of person” who can be identified by their “characteristics, attributes or circumstances”.

The power to declare a pandemic even IF there have been NO cases of a specific disease in Victoria for a period of time will also exist under this legislation.

It would, in essence, endow all power SOLELY in the Premier of Victoria, under a State of Emergency.

This is not democracy in action. This would be, by definition, a total dictatorship. With Chairman Andrews at the helm.
1.3K viewsedited  12:15
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