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better (k)now

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Logo of telegram channel betterknownow — better (k)now
Channel address: @betterknownow
Categories: Politics , Economics
Language: English
Country: Not set
Subscribers: 5.58K
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Im Informationszeitalter ist geschichtliche & politische Ignoranz eine Entscheidung.
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2022-06-22 10:40:03 « Im Ukraine-Krieg ist nun auch ein Konflikt zwischen Russland und der Europäischen Union um die Exklave Kaliningrad entbrannt. Denn seit einigen Tagen dürfen wegen der jüngsten EU-Sanktionen gegen Russland bestimmte Waren nicht mehr durch Litauen nach Kaliningrad transportiert werden. Russland spricht von feindlichen Handlungen und droht mit entsprechenden Gegenmaßnahmen.»
564 views07:40
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2022-06-21 20:15:28 Außerordentlich vielsagender Artikel.
1:1 das Vokabular der vierten Phase Sowjet-Langzeitstrategie:

«Vladimir Putin has accused Western leaders of clinging "to the shadows of the past" as he creates a new world order with his invasion of Ukraine.

The world will not be as it was before the "special operation", Putin said in his speech at the plenary session of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

"It is erroneous to believe that one can sit and wait when the time of turbulent changes goes by, when everything goes back to where it was. It won't," Putin said.

According to him, the changes are fundamental, "crucial and inexorable”.

However, he said that Western countries "cling to shadows of the past".
"The European Union has finally lost its political sovereignty. Its bureaucratic elites are dancing to someone else's tune, accepting whatever they are told from above, while causing harm to their own population and their own economy,” Putin said.

He warned that this "divorce from reality" will lead to populism and a host of other negative effects.

"Such a divorce from reality, from the demands of society, will inevitably lead to a surge of populism and the growth of radical movements, to serious social and economic changes, to degradation, and in the near future, to a change of elites,” Putin said.

The 69-year-old even claimed that Western sanctions on Russia haven't worked.
"The goal was understandable — to crush the Russian economy violently, to destroy business chains, forcefully recall Western companies from the Russian market, freeze domestic assets in order to affect industry and finance, the standard of living of citizens.

"It hasn't worked out. Obviously it hasn't. It has not materialised," Putin said.

Brazen Putin even said Russia were "forced" to invade Ukraine.

“Fighting is always a tragedy. Yet, this is a forced action that we had to make. We were forced to do it - that's the whole point. We were just dragged to this line.”
One month ago, almost to the day, Belerusian President and Putin cronie Alexander Lukashenko urged the Secretary General of the UN to consider instituting a “new world order” in which all members of the international community have “security guarantees,” because it would be in the UN's interest to “prevent the conflict from becoming protracted with devastating consequences.”»
987 views17:15
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2022-06-20 00:26:28 Spannende Entwicklung. Russland könnte sowas gut als einen Vorwand benutzen, um den Konflikt weiter zu eskalieren. In den Geschichtsbüchern würde man dann vermutlich lesen, dass die Nato die abgeschnittenen russischen Bürger von Kaliningrad terrorisierte..

«Seit Samstag verbietet Litauen, durch das die meisten Landtransporte von Russland in die russische Ostsee-Exklave Kaliningrad führen, den Transport von Gütern, die unter EU-Sanktionen stehen. Es geht um Kohle, Metalle, Baumaterialien und Hochtechnologieprodukte.
Russland spricht nun von einer gravierenden Verletzung des Transitvertrags zwischen Brüssel und Moskau. Unter Hitzköpfen soll bereits die Forderung kursieren, Russland müsse sich einen Transportkorridor freikämpfen. Das allerdings würde einen offenen Konflikt mit der Nato bedeuten.

Auf jeden Fall gerät dadurch die sogenannte Suwalki-Lücke wieder in den Blickpunkt, also die nur ein paar Dutzend Kilometer lange polnisch-litauische Grenze, die gleichzeitig das Kaliningrader Gebiet von Weissrussland und damit russischem Einflussgebiet trennt. Der Streifen, der den Namen von der nahe gelegenen polnischen Provinzstadt Suwalki hat, ist die Achillesferse der Nato für die Verteidigung des Baltikums.»
258 views21:26
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2022-06-19 17:42:41
618 views14:42
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2022-06-19 15:20:51 «“World War III has been declared,” Pope Francis said in a wide-ranging conversation with the editors of European Jesuit publications on May 19, referring to Russia’s attack against Ukraine. The conversation was published by the Italian Jesuit publication La Civiltà Cattolica and the secular newspaper La Stampa on June 14 and is sure to spark discussion.»
750 views12:20
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2022-06-19 14:41:56
766 views11:41
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2022-06-19 14:29:22 «Nicaragua's regime has reportedly greenlighted the entry of Russian forces into the Central American country, according to a Russian state TV broadcast. “It is time for Russia to deploy something powerful closer to US cities,” host Olga Skabeeva was quoted as saying.

The report also pointed out President Daniel Ortega had authorized the entry of foreign military troops, ships, and aircraft for humanitarian purposes after extending an invitation to the Vladimir Putin administration to this end.»
768 views11:29
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2022-06-19 14:22:56 Die Sanktionen sind ein Schuss ins eigene Knie. Wir werden von Feinden regiert:
730 views11:22
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2022-06-19 13:50:01 «Earlier this month, the Israeli port of Haifa, one of the largest maritime transport hubs in the Mediterranean, was handed over to the Chinese state Shanghai International Ports Group to operate for the next 25 years.
Another huge Chinese shipping company, Cosco Shipping, is ready to expand its footprint in Europe by taking a stake in the port of Hamburg.
If Cosco succeeds, it will be the company’s eighth port investment in Europe.
The Chinese government does not have an official platform to summarize the overall data on China’s overseas port projects, but publicly available data show that Beijing now has a foothold in at least 100 ports in 63 countries.
In a recent opinion piece published by the Daily Mail, former British Secretary of Defense and International Trade Liam Fox and former US National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane noted that China now owns 96 ports worldwide. Some of this is at the heart of maritime trade, “strategic domination of Beijing without the deployment of single troops, ships or weapons.”
Beijing controls or makes large investments in 15 of the top 15 ports in the world in terms of container volume.»
800 views10:50
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2022-06-19 11:51:54 Außerordentlich wichtiges und informatives Video:
942 views08:51
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