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Kotler on Marketing Part of 6/18 er needs. Now when it comes | Blinkist Summary Book

Kotler on Marketing
Part of 6/18

er needs.
Now when it comes to the first two types of marketing – responsive and anticipative – market research is essential. If you intend on bringing a new product to market that claims to fulfill a consumer need then you actually need to know what that need is.
There are many options for carrying out market research; they range from simply soliciting customer feedback to undertaking large-scale consumer surveys. However one of the easiest and most fruitful methods is simply to observe how customers use products. This is the method that Toyota used when it deployed researchers to hang around supermarket parking lots and watch customers load groceries into their cars. Based on the observed difficulties people were having Toyota redesigned their cars’ trunks to have more space and allow for easier sliding of bags.
Of course when it comes to need-shaping marketing customer research isn’t going to be quite as useful – customers are unlikely to be aware of needs they don’t yet have. Th