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Sapiens Part of 5/26 of early modern humans went through an e | Blinkist Summary Book

Part of 5/26

of early modern humans went through an evolutionary leap known as the Cognitive Revolution. This development gave them a relatively sudden improvement in brainpower.
With their improved brain capabilities Homo sapiens were able to outperform their rivals. For example they began to form larger more sophisticated communities; they invented more complex forms of hunting tools and techniques; and they even began to establish primitive trade networks.
Such advantages meant that Homo sapiens could find food and resources even in the harshest of environments far easier than the other species of human.
For example in order to reach America Homo sapiens had to be able to withstand the Arctic conditions of the Siberian passage. So they learned to team together and hunt the large nutrient-packed mammoths and to make snowshoes and warm clothing out of their skin and fur.
This revolution in brainpower allowed modern humans to venture into the most remote corners of the globe. Starting in Africa