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Sapiens Part of 7/26 are social animals; we live in communiti | Blinkist Summary Book

Part of 7/26

are social animals; we live in communities. Language allows information to flow freely between individuals within those communities meaning that important lessons – about food predators or even dangerous untrustworthy individuals within the group – can be shared.
For example using language one person who has found an abundant supply of fruit trees can tell the others where it is. Someone who has discovered the hiding place of a predator can warn the rest of the group to avoid that area. In both cases language gives the community a distinct advantage.
But perhaps the biggest benefit of language is that it helps create a common understanding between members of a group and this is what gives humans their unique advantage.
There are other animals that can cooperate in large numbers like bees but their cooperation is very rigid. They cannot adapt their societal order based on changes in their environment like new threats or opportunities.
There are also animals such as chimpanzees that