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Sapiens Part of 16/26 et progress depend on God alone people | Blinkist Summary Book

Part of 16/26

et progress depend on God alone people started thinking how they themselves could improve society via science.
By applying the scientific principles of exploration experimentation and observation people made huge epistemological leaps in areas such as medicine astronomy and physics – each development helping to make society a better place to live.
Take child mortality for example. Ever since scientific methods were applied to medicine and public health the rate of child mortality has declined. In the past it was common for even the wealthiest members of society to lose two or three children to premature deaths. Nowadays the rate of infant mortality for everyone is just 1 out of every 1 000 people.  
As well as being beneficial for human health the pursuit of science proved to be good for economies – something that many European governments were quick to realize. In search of new ideas and resources to enrich their nations kings and emperors showered scientists and explorers with mon