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CNN Partially Confirms Russian Claims of Hitting Patriot Air D | Brian Berletic's New Atlas Channel

CNN Partially Confirms Russian Claims of Hitting Patriot Air Defense System in Kiev

US officials admit damage was done to a Patriot missile system in Kiev following a fierce Russian missile attack this week.

The article claims: "The US is still assessing to what degree the system was damaged, the official said. That will determine whether the system needs to be pulled back entirely or simply repaired on the spot by Ukrainians forces."

This contradicts obvious fabrications by Ukraine that it "intercepted all 6 Kinzhal missiles."

The discharge of approximately 30 missiles in the span of 2 minutes was captured on widely circulated video footage which also included a massive blast then seen engulfing the area the Patriot missiles were being launched from.

Patriot missile systems are composed of command stations, generators, radars, and the launchers themselves.

CNN suggests 1 of 2 batteries transferred to Ukraine may need to be taken offline for repairs. While it suggests this may be done by Ukrainians in Kiev, it most likely will require at a minimum, shipping damaged equipment to Poland or teams in Poland traveling to Kiev.

Russia's war of attrition continues as Ukraine's limited air defense capabilities have clearly become more limited still...

Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/16/politics/patriot-missile-damage-ukraine/index.html