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Confusing Mobilization with a Draft Is the Western media deli | Brian Berletic's New Atlas Channel

Confusing Mobilization with a Draft

Is the Western media deliberately conflating the two?

Mobilization of reserves involves men who previously served in the military, have already been trained, and are being called back up, knowing full well this could happen based on the terms of their initial enlistment just like in the West.

Recall the US did this in 2006. Via the Guardian:

"The US marine corps has been forced to call up its reserves for compulsory service in Iraq and Afghanistan because it has not been able to find enough volunteers - a reflection of the strain the two wars are putting on America's armed forces.

The marines' involuntary call-up, seen as a "back-door draft" by Pentagon critics, is the first since the start of the Iraq war, and will begin in a few months when a first batch of up to 2,500 reservists will be summoned back to active service for a year or more. The army has already sent 2,200 reservists back to the front, of which only about 350 went voluntarily.

A draft involves calling up men who never served, have no training, and must be trained before being sent to serve - hence why some in the West claim these troops won't be ready for "months."

Mobilized reservists will be ready in 1-2 weeks, whether the West wants to accept this reality or not. They could be on the battlefield in less than a month's time.