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J6 FAMILY STORIES The FBI is not your friend. | Brien James here…


The FBI is not your friend.

The political theater is meant to frighten US citizens so they'll never again think about protesting election fraud, COVID mandates, or anything that the Biden Regime is doing. This is how they've chosen to destroy their political opponents.

known tactics include:
• pre-dawn raids
• 10+ vehicles some armored with turrets
• medieval-style battering rams
• tear gas
• flash bangs
• red lasers pointed at residents (including children)
• warrants often not presented early enough if at all
• loud shouts and commands "FBI, open up"
• roughing people up
• forcing people to their knees
• ransacking houses in hours-long searches
• unreasonable confiscation of items
• interrogations without lawyers
• lies

This is an agency Americans have trusted.
This is how they're treating US citizens without criminal records who often haven't even been charged with misdemeanors.

This is the New Normal? Not ok!

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