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Stop Letting Them Play You! Over the last four months I've le | California MAGA (Former Audit Watch)

Stop Letting Them Play You!

Over the last four months I've learned not to believe anyone who claims to know:

1) WHEN the preliminary audit results are going to be released; and,

2) WHAT the results say.

I suggest anyone still following the audit do the same.

Not one channel, citizen journalist, academic, cyber professional, politician, channel owner, TV Pundit, or audit operator has been right so far. You don't have to look very far to see how all of their failed predictions hyped up as incoming big booms have all failed to deliver on the hype...then later deleted, dismissed, or gone unnoticed.

Everytime this happens people flood our chat room trying to make sense of it all. The answer is simple...they are playing you. Get off their rollercoaster ride and wait for the official results to be released. Stop letting them mess with your emotions and run you down. That's what they want. They want you defeated so you'll give up and get angry. They are playing you.

What are the facts? The fact is the Arizona Senate has not issued a release date for the preliminary audit report; and The Senate has not published any official audit findings. Period.

Those who actually know the facts cannot talk because they've all signed Non-Disclosure agreements.

And yet, there are still those dropping dates and numbers like bait on the regular. Ask yourself why?

That said, the Audit Watch Channel is not "in the know" with the audit. We do not report anything from the audit we haven't verified directly from audit officials on the record.

We are not apart of the audit industry, so we have nothing to gain financially from numerous or never ending audits.

No one has paid us one penny to run this channel. We received several donations we applied directly to our "bot fund", which has helped tremendously filter out our spam.

We are not political operatives running for election or trying to score political points.

We are obviously not doing this for fame, followers, or attention.

We are not controlled psyops getting your expectations raised so high regardless the results, you'll be upset, disappointed, and angry. We will, however, motivate you by issung call to actions by making calls, sending emails, etc.

We are every day citizens trying to hold our elected officials accountable, put eyes on audits to keep it honest, and most honest with you. We are here for you, and you only. Not them.

Time to get real with who you follow. Question everything everyone says, and use your discernment. Read back through their old posts and ask yourself if they've been honest. And most importantly, don't let them play on your emotions with false dates and hype. The audit report will be out when it's released, and the results will be what is in the report.

Until then, keep up the faith and be careful who you follow.