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2021-10-18 19:36:37 IELTS Writing Task 2
Cambridge IELTS 16 Test 1
Model Answer

In some countries, more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in.

What are the reasons for this?
How can people research this question?

In many nations, people have an increasing fascination with learning about the background of their place of residence. This essay discusses some of the motives for this as well as how people can unearth this kind of information.

There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. The primary one is due to concern over potential building problems. By examining past records of one’s place of abode the structural soundness of the building can be determined. Moreover, many people like to verify that high-quality building materials were used. Another factor is due to curiosity. Many people wonder about who has lived in their house in the past and delight over the potential discovery of previous occupancy by a famous person.

There are many methods to discover the history of a building. The most effective one is to check public records. From these records we are able to determine who the building was built by and blueprints of the structural integrity of the construction. Another effective method is to simply ask neighbours. In many cases, neighbours have been living in the area for a long time and have a wealth of information. Furthermore, houses in the same neighbourhood often share many characteristics.

In conclusion, the main reasons why people are interested in discovering the background of their places of residence is due to concern over the structural soundness of the premises as well as a natural curiosity. The best ways to find out this information are to search public records or simply ask around the neighbourhood.

15.1K viewsedited  16:36
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2021-10-18 19:14:00
Pauline Cullen, who is a famous and accomplished writer of super effective Cambridge books, was asked the following questions in the interview:

00:19 How important is vocabulary in IELTS?
01:56 How can we use magazines and articles to improve vocabulary?
03:24 What tips do you recommend to learn vocabulary?

Cambridge English Language Assessment
13.5K viewsedited  16:14
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2021-10-18 12:28:57 IELTS Listening: are you doing these things?

Are you doing the following things in order to prepare and practise for the IELTS listening test?

working through as many of the tests in the official Cambridge IELTS books as possible

doing the listening test samples on the official IELTS website

analysing any mistakes that you make when doing the above tests

listening to difficult parts of each test several times, until you hear and understand all of the correct answers

checking the written transcripts (at the back of the Cambridge books) carefully for any questions that you found difficult

noting new words and any spellings that you got wrong

listening to as much English as possible to improve your ear (not just IELTS tests, but news reports, documentaries, talks, presentations, interviews, films, TV programmes etc. that you find on the Internet)

If you're doing all of these things, keep going! You might not notice it, but your listening will be improving gradually

15.5K viewsedited  09:28
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2021-10-08 17:56:16
Behind the scenes of Cambridge English exams

Chief Executive Dr Michael Milanovic and other experts from Cambridge English Language Assessment offer a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes of the development, production and despatch of the world's leading range of English exams.

It may seem like a simple thing, to have a question paper on a desk for a candidate. What the public see is that CELA have got a paper that has written questions on it, but what they don't know is that it takes two years in order to come up with that paper.

Find out more:

15.7K viewsedited  14:56
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2021-10-05 10:31:36

Cambridge IELTS 16


Pdf - E-Book

7.8K views07:31
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2021-10-04 18:46:29 IELTS Writing Task 2
Cambridge IELTS 16 Test 4
Model Answer

In the future all cars, buses, and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles would be passengers.

Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

Technological advances are leading towards all vehicles becoming automated and not having a driver. I believe the merits of this far exceed the drawbacks.

The main benefit of this phenomenon is the increase in safety. The absence of a driver means that human error can be totally eliminated. More precisely, car accidents will no longer result from a lapse of concentration or poor judgment in the operation of a vehicle. For example, there will no longer be an issue with intoxicated drivers getting behind the wheel and endangering themselves and others on the road.

In addition, it will be more enjoyable for all occupants of a vehicle as no one will have to perform driving duties. People who would have been drivers can now relax during a journey. For instance, they will be able to watch movies or interact with their friends on social media while travelling. Furthermore, the stress of a long drive can be avoided, meaning that they can arrive at the destination in a more relaxed state.

However, there are likely to be cyber-criminals who will attempt to take advantage of this situation. Hackers may seize control of these vehicles and use them for their own nefarious purposes. For example, a hacker could use an automated vehicle as a getaway vehicle or to block traffic in order to evade the police. Even worse, they could hack into police vehicles rendering them useless in a chase.

In conclusion, I believe that the positives of this phenomenon greatly outweigh the negatives. This is because the increase in safety and enjoyment when travelling surpass the threat posed by cyber-criminals.

11.1K viewsedited  15:46
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2021-10-04 13:53:09 ​​ IELTS Reading: the importance of vocabulary

IELTS Reading is basically a vocabulary test. If you don't understand words or phrases in the text, it will be difficult to get the right answers.

Try doing the test on page 46-49 of Cambridge IELTS book 4. Here is some of the key vocabulary from this test:

When I did this test with my students, nobody knew that a "chronic" illness means a "long-term" illness. The words "disillusioned" and "sceptical" also caused problems.

If you didn't know these words, look them up and write them down in your notebook.
If you don't have a vocabulary notebook, you should start one now!

11.2K viewsedited  10:53
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2021-09-30 10:32:21 IELTS Speaking Part 3: competitions
The following questions come from Cambridge IELTS 7. Some of the good words and phrases are underlined.

1. Why do you think some school teachers use competitions as class activities?

I think teachers use competitions to motivate the children in their classes. I'm sure that teachers try all kinds of activities to engage their pupils, and competitions might be one of the best ways to keep children interested or get them excited. Children love winning things.

2. Is it a good thing to give prizes to children who do well at school? Why?

It might be a good idea to encourage children to do well in games or sports, but I don't think we should give children prizes for their academic work. Children need to learn that the reason for studying is to learn useful things that will help them in their lives. I don't like the idea of children thinking that they will only work hard if there is a prize.

3. Would you say that schools for young children have become more or less competitive since you were that age? Why?

I'd say that they have become more competitive since I was young. Children now have to take exams from a much younger age, so I think there is more of a focus on doing well in tests. Parents also seem to be getting more competitive; I think that many parents push their children to do extra homework rather than letting them play with friends.

7.6K viewsedited  07:32
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2021-09-29 17:22:20
Here is one-billion question How do examiners assess speaking?

Watch Gad, with Jill Cosh (Cambridge English Consultants), talking to Nuria about how IELTS Speaking is assessed.

Remember that the things the examiners are looking for are the same as the things that make good spoken communication outside the test. So the way to do your best in IELTS Speaking is to show the examiner that you can communicate effectively in English.

Look at the downloads at the bottom of the page. One of these is the Band Descriptors that Gad mentions, and the other is a simple guide to the Speaking assessment criteria.

The pdf ‘How is the Speaking paper assessed?’, and many other resources in this course, come from the Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS from
Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English Language Assessment.

4.8K viewsedited  14:22
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2021-09-29 16:09:16
We are back!

Our channel has suffered some malicious attack, but no worry your place in your IELTS test is safe with all the original content!

We reserved a copy with all the original files, books, vids restored, have a look.

We are here to help you take the test it this and upcoming year!

When you are about to take the test who are you gonna call? IELTS Busters!!!

You can find us under a slightly altered name
5.8K viewsedited  13:09
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