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IIM Ahmedabad, Location - Taj Bengal, Kolkata, morning session | MBA PERSONAL INTERVIEWS

IIM Ahmedabad, Location - Taj Bengal, Kolkata, morning session.

Profile: 9/9/7, Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2 Years workex in Logistics Automation, 1.5 years UPSC Prep

AWT - "Mark Zuckerberg rejected a $1B acquisition by Yahoo! and he was praised for his vision. While Yahoo! rejected an acquisition deal by Microsoft and people were like "you should have taken it and cashed out while it could!" What should entrepreneurs learn from this? I'm confused myself since luck and risk is so hard to predict"

What  are the assumptions? What can be the arguments in support and countering it? What is your opinion and why?

Panelists (P1 50s, P2 35 ish) (Panel 2)
P1: Where are you working right now? Oh then where did you work before?
P2: I can see your grades at IIT are very low. What is the reason?
P1: You have bad marks in core mechanical but fairly good in Manufacturing subjects? Was it more interesting to you? (i said Yes)
P1: How is this bottle manufactured? Lots of cross questions
P1: How is this Pencil manufactured? Lots of cross questions
P1: How is a syringe needle manufactured? Lots of cross questions
P1: How do you decide on the path of a particular shipment when you're a Logistics company? Lots of cross questions
P1: How do you project volumes for the automation you do? Lots of cross questions
P2: Would you reattempt UPSC? Why MBA? Don't give me this prepared bullshit that everyone says (He said it while smiling )
P2: You're good at maths? You're from an IIT, you must be. There's a sphere of radius r. What is the largest cylinder that can fit into it?
P2: Try to work it out. I started drawing.
P1: Aren't you an engineer? You must have studied engineering drawing in the 1st year. Draw the cross sections properly.
P1: Okay so what do you like to do in your free time? (no further questions on this)
P1: Do you have any questions for us?
P1: You may leave. Please take a toffee.

Overall 25-30 minutes. Made me think a lot on the spot even when I didn't know the answer. Grilling but pyaar se.

No questions on hobbies, extra curriculars, no TMAY, no current affairs or opinionated questions.