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Сombot 21.5.7 is here! We haven't made any announcements for | Combot News

Сombot 21.5.7 is here!

We haven't made any announcements for a long time, despite the fact that we have done a lot of work. It was mainly related to the stability and scaling of the service, which is already actively used by more than 160,000 communities.

• Combot will automatically reload the list of administrators (when it is changed), but only if Combot is administrator itself. You don't have to send !r every time the list is changed now. Hopefully, it will clear up questions like "I do not see my group on combot.org".
• Built-in wallet for TON Crystals (freeton.org) was added. It means that everybody using Combot have a wallet for TON Crystals now. You can access it on combot.org.
• New /send command that works in every group with Combot. Reply to another user with /send command to send him some TON Crystals. Example: !send 1.337.
• New /rain command to distribute TON Crystals from your wallet among active members in the group. There's /reward alternative to distribute from group's wallet instead.
• Every group has a wallet, too! It is used to reward active users in your group, check new "TON Crystals" section in your group's settings. You can reward active users every hour and enable lucky messages.
• You can now "boost" your group on Top Telegram Chats.
• Czech language was added to your website. Help to translate combot.org on translations.combot.org.
• You can now change the language that @combot will use in your group. Help to translate @combot on bot-translations.combot.org.
• All users who are leaving will be logged to your log channel (if enabled). Previously, this even was only logged for small groups.
• All users who are removed manually by other administrators will be logged to your log channel (if enabled) as banned users. FYI, when you remove a user from your group, you ban them. Previously, Combot only logged users that were banned by Combot itself.
For new logging options, Combot must be administrator. You must also promote Combot for welcome message to work.
• You can now edit both scheduled and recurring announcements.
• You can transfer your premium status from group X to group Y, provided that you own both groups and group Y has less members than group X.
• As always, boring performance optimizations. We're always working on making Combot respond faster.