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Cheesecakes with millet Ingredients. Millet - 200 g Ba | Healthy Cooking

Cheesecakes with millet


Millet - 200 g
Banana - 1 pc
Raisins - 50 g
Vanilla extract - 1 ml
Flour - 4 tbsp


Millet is thoroughly washed 3-4 times, pour boiling water and leave for 5 minutes (to remove possible bitterness). Then we pour out the water and boil the groats.
In the prepared, slightly cooled, groats add a banana, honey or syrup, vanilla, and beat with a blender until a smooth delicate mass.
Add to the resulting mass of flour, mix well, throw in the washed raisins and stir again.
Wet hands form cheesecakes, trample them with a knife, slightly dipping in flour, if the form is not important for you, you can simply lay the dough on the pan with a spoon, like pancakes.
Fry on medium heat, with a little oil, for 5 minutes on each side, the exact time depends on your pan and the thickness of the cheesecakes, so taste.