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BREAKING: CDC Director Gives Shockingly False Testimony to Con | COVID-19 Up

BREAKING: CDC Director Gives Shockingly False Testimony to Congress

@COVID19Up: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky just misled Congress on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against viral transmission, and even falsely claimed that Cochrane's Editor-in-Chief "retracted" the summary of the review on face masks.

The astonishing falsehood she made was her response to Congressman Andrew Clyde’s question about the Cochrane review which found that wearing face masks in the community “probably makes little to no difference” in preventing viral transmission.

Walensky enthusiastically stated, “I think its notable, that the Editor-in-Chief of Cochrane, actually said that the summary of that review was…[stumble]..she retracted the summary of that review and said that it was inaccurate.”

However, the summary of the review was not retracted, nor have the authors of the review changed the language in the summary.

Jefferson, lead author on the Cochrane review said, Walensky is plain wrong. There has been no retraction of anything.

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