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Crowd1 Rewards Swap Option We are very excited to be able to | Crowd1 - ELITE

Crowd1 Rewards Swap Option

We are very excited to be able to offer all of our loyal Crowd1 Reward holders the opportunity to swap their Crowd1 Rewards for shares in the MultiWallet (working title) PLC Company, based in the UK. Very soon, all Crowd1 Reward holders will be able register their interest in making the swap.

Why should you do this?

By receiving shares in a public company, your ownership will be built from the free, transparent and open marketplace.

50% of the MultiWallet PLC company will be owned by Reward holders

Share in the profits of the companies promoted by Crowd1

Be part of a long-term and 100% compliant solution in all jurisdictions.

What is the process?

The process to swap Rewards for shares need to be followed step by step. The process commences in your Crowd1 Back Office and will conclude in the MultiWallet Company. You are requested to begin by registering your interest in doing the swap. At the conclusion of this period, information about the next step will be shared.