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Information about SWAP and accounts Important to read carefu | Crowd1 - ELITE

Information about SWAP and accounts

Important to read carefully and understand each point.

You Can swap C1R from account that You might have saved for New leaders, ”empty” positions. Important is that it No other Owner or KYC done.

You change to the same personal details as You have in Your mainaccounts profile. Name, adress, birthday
You Can NOT have same mobile number and e-Mail.

IMPORTANT! You need to have an e-Mail that You have access to because You will get the swap e-Mail to confirm in next step.

Doing this and these C1R will be connected to the Multiwallet account You have in Your name with Your KYC

We don’t want a ”mess” in this so Important each one understand the points above. Especially about access to the e-mail. Company can not put all support for tickets with lost Passwords because of fake e-mails.