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Last minute Tips: Night before Exam 1. Ideally, by maximum | CSE MAINS BOOSTER

Last minute Tips:

Night before Exam

1. Ideally, by maximum 8pm , you should stop studying. Let your brain rest for 2-3 hours before going to sleep.

2. Light and home cooked food..Ideally 2 hrs before Sleep.

3.Sleep around 10:30-11pm. Dont stretch in the night at any cost. You need a well rested mind on the exam day.

4. Talk with Family or friends if you feel so. May be some funny stuff. Nothing serious. No need to respond to any Best of Luck messages . Your hardwork , parents blessings and God's blessings are enough. Remember, blessings have power.

5. While Sleep is utmost important,but dont freak out if you fail to fall asleep. It might happen. Whatever sleep you manage (ideally 6-7hrs min), wake up with a thought that you are well rested. Tell your mind 'All is well'.

Before Exam :

1. If you feel to revise anything very significant, you may do so. But do that max by 8:30am. Let your mind be free minimum 1 hour before the exam starts. Else, the most recent thing will keep playing in your mind and might narrow down your thinking horizon, which we dont want. We want a free, calm mind on the day.

2. Take good comfortable conveyance for reaching the centre.

3. Try to reach centre by max 8:45am. Enter by max 9am.

4. Dont think much for the half hour. Just be happy. Happy that you are appearing in such a prestigious examination, and have managed 2nd tough year of the pandemic. Have Gratitude. Just be happy with yourself.

5. Dont get into unnecessary arguments with anyone, be it police or centre staff or any student. They wont lose anything, but you might lose your peace of mind.

6. Dont go into exam hall with any preconceived notion. Tell yourself - I know paper will be set difficult (may be even more difficult than 2020) that you are not at all surprised when you open the paper. Be prepared.

7. Sit calmly in Exam Room. Dont think anything. Just be HAPPY.

During Exam:

1. If you encounter very difficult questions in the beginning, dont panic. Remember, they are not randomly occuring there. They have been intentionally placed there to shake your confidence.

Ignore these difficult questions and keep moving without thinking much.

The best strategy would be to find out 8-10 super easy questions in first 10 minutes and solve them. Then begin from the point where you think easier questions (acc. To you) have been placed. It could be from 1-25 or 26-50 or 51-75 or 76-100.. One of these quarters would be definitely Easy. Target that first.

2. Ideally - Solve 1st round in around 50-55 min. Next in around 40-45 min. 3rd in around 20 min.
However, dont panic if paper is lengthy. Dont stress out that youll not be able to do 3 rounds. If you feel so, fix 2 rounds..
Then mark Sure + Almost Sure in 1st round (lets assume 50-55 Qs)
And, lesser sure where you need to go for logical elimination in 2nd round ( 30-35Qs)

Ideal would be 3 Rounds, but change according to whatever level of paper comes. The idea is to NOT PANIC in any moment.

3. Do implement the analysis youve done of pyqs till date. Dont change your strategy at the last moment ( unless you believe that simply on the basis of exact knowledge, youd correct net 55 which case, you are a superhuman)

4. Fight for the questions. There are usually 5-7 questions where students give up very easily, instead of giving a good fight there. Fight for each incremental mark. Be in the game till 11:30am.

5. Lastly, be Alert and aware. Try to apply whatever logical knowledge you can to solve the question.

6. In nutshell
- DONT PANIC AT ANY COST. MAINTAIN THE CONFIDENCE THROUGHOUT. Remember, if its difficult for you, its difficult for everyone.

After Exam :

1. Dont discuss, dont find answers, dont see telegram.
2. If you want to relax for CSAT, relax..If you need to revise some formulae, do that.. May be have a look at meanings of words like inference, corollary etc. Nothing more.
3. Light Lunch.