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You Are What You Eat, And What You're Eating Is Devilry: How J | Global Resistance News

You Are What You Eat, And What You're Eating Is Devilry: How Jews Have Destroyed Modern-Day Health (Part 1)

In the spirit of International Al-Quds Day, it is imperative to remember that our fight is not merely against the Jews criminally colonizing the land between the Dead and the Med... But also the Jews who have forged a hegemonic, Dajjalic system that is fundamentally opposed to the fitra (inherent good nature) of humanity.

And one such mechanism that these globe-holding Yahoudlings have employed in their ruthless subjugation of every creed and color on Earth is the weaponization of food.

If you've spent even two seconds reading about organic health, you know that seed oils may be the single-most harmful, destructive and anti-nutrition food out there. What you are more than likely unaware of however is who unleashed this plague on us all: Phil Sokolof.

This lying Jewish crook of a creature who has since died and went to Jahannam, was a major patron of Jewish causes through the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation, a staunchly Zionist institution.

Equal or likely greater to Sokolof's havoc on health is the most malevolent corporation on planet Earth: Monsanto. And contrary to popular belief, it wasn't founded by "Whitey"... but slave-owning Jews.

Connected to Monsanto is David Kessler, the FDA Commissioner from 1990-1997 who approved the very first GMOs in the United Snakes of IsraHELL. Kessler would go on to become the Biden ZOG's vaxx czar. And yes, he's Jewish, with a "fancy jeweler" for a father.

Also connected to Monsanto is Dr. Rachmiel Levine, who oversaw the tech which, under the guise of "fighting diabetes", would give life to one of Monsanto's most satanic, devastating and lucrative products, rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone). Levine is the father of recombinant DNA. And yes, he is a Jew.

No mention of Monsanto could be complete without Jack Ruina, director of ARPA from 1961-1964 and considered by many to be the father of the herbicidal warfare campaign in Vietnam via Monsanto's Agent Orange. Ruina was not an Icelandic nor a Maldivian. He was a Jew.

Returning momentarily to milk, which was once raw and healthier than arguably anything you could put in your body except high-PH water, but is now so riddled with GMOs and chemicalization that it is like consuming liquid sickness, the father of pasteurization of course is French Gentile - or more accurately, Shabbos Goy - Louis Pasteur.

Largely lost on most of the global citizenry is that Pasteur owes his greatest discovery to Talmudic teachings from Russo-French Rabbi Dr. 'Israel' Michel Rabinowitz. And, his Pasteur Institute, also known as the "Rabies Palace", where the research on pasteurization - and, COHENcidentally enough, vaccines - was conducted, had MAJOR funding from Sephardic Jewess Cécile Furtado-Heine and occultist Moroccan-Jewish investor Daniel Iffla-Osiris, who actually left most of his fortune to the Institute.

Hell! That's not even the most Jewish part! The Pasteur Institute was so damn Judaic from its very onset that it even had a Zionist chapter in Palestine 40 years before the Nakba.

Additionally, interlinked with the globalization of pasteurization is 3rd Baron Nathan Mayer "Victor" Rothschild, a scion of the international Jewish banking dynasty and MI5 officer who promoted the process on the floor of the House of Lords. Victor was also an agent of the Soviet Union and a fanatical Zionist.

And rounding out our happy lil' history lesson here is Robert Shapiro, another Monsanto-linked maniac who, prior to working for Shaytan, Inc., where he would help pioneer "agricultural biotechnology (read: GMOs)", headed up NutraSweet, the (now-Monsanto-owned) hell-corp that invented cancer-causing aspartame and other fake sugars and fake fats. Shapiro, obviously, is Jewish.