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How do you go about coming up with ideas for personal projects | Data Scientology

How do you go about coming up with ideas for personal projects?

I'm hoping to take some time over the holidays to start a new and (hopefully) interesting personal project. I've never tried to create a project outside of an academic setting before, and I'm a little lost on where/how to start coming up with ideas.

A bit of Googling showed the same few project ideas coming up (credit card fraud detection, road sign classification, etc) and ideally I'd like a fresh take rather than a recycled idea.

I'm hoping that this would be a good chance to learn/practice new tools or skills that would be helpful in either academic or professional settings (I'm an undergrad statistics student) and have something nice to add to my Github as a bonus.

If anyone has tips or suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
