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Been very quiet here on telegram today… and having a bit of a | ONeegs

Been very quiet here on telegram today… and having a bit of a break.

The last few days have been super intense.
I feel very torn in many ways and pulled in a thousand directions.

The hardest thing,
Is trying to reconcile my desire to help and change things for the better…
With acceptance that some things just cannot be stopped or altered in any way.

The seers and prophets of old saw these times in their visions and divine revelations.
Who are we to think that we can stop such things that were shown two thousand years ago…
But who are we to stand by and just do nothing in the face of this tyranny?

It has been said that for evil to succeed,
All that is needed is for good men to do nothing…
But it is also written that these things must come to pass to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak.

We were told that there would come a time that those without a certain mark would be outcasts in society.
Those times are now upon us.
Knowing what to do about it is the hard part.

See you tomorrow