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A roof over your head, Food in the fridge, Warm blankets at ni | ONeegs

A roof over your head,
Food in the fridge,
Warm blankets at night,
Hot running water,
Electricity and gas to took with,
A truck that comes once a week and takes all our rubbish away…
Your eyes,
Your hands,
Your whole body…
Your loved ones.

I think we can all agree…
We have taken so much for granted…
Like spoilt brats that got used to things being so damn good,
That we just wanted more and more and more.
We lost sight of the little things.
Time to see them again.
They are right in front of us in this very moment.
No matter what’s going on,
There is always our ability to find things to be grateful for and shift our perspective.

Let’s have a great day…
No matter what.

Thanks for being here