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'The greatest charity that we can do for the Spiritist Doctrin | Spiritism 💥 Divine Spark

"The greatest charity that we can do for the Spiritist Doctrine is its dissemination" Emmanuel (spiritual guide of the medium Chico Xavier)

If you know the importance of the knowledge of Spiritism disseminated by Allan Kardec, recommend this channel to anyone who wants to develop their spiritual side.

This channel is available in six languages:

Spiritism Divine Spark
English (This channel)

Espiritismo Centelha Divina
Português (Portuguese)

Espiritismo Centella Divina
Español (Spanish)

Spiritisme Étincelle Divine
Français (French)

Spiritismo Scintilla Divina
Italiano (Italian)

Spiritismus Göttliche Funke
Deutsch (German)

Спиритизм божественная Искра
Pусский (Russian)

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Spiritism is:


"Spiritism is like a triangle of spiritual forces. Science and Philosophy link this symbolic figure to Earth, however, Religion is the divine angle that connects it to heaven" Emmanuel (spiritual guide of the medium Chico Xavier)