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​ The former UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Demo | DPR MFA

The former UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order Alfred de Zayas stated that the West has artificially separated the Ukrainian and Russian peoples:

It is not Russia who wanted to be an enemy of NATO. It is NATO that needed an enemy for its raison d'être and unilaterally assigned this role to Russia.

NATO has done nothing but threaten and provoke since 1991. The Ukrainian tragedy is a direct consequence of our own behavior as predicted by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Cohen.

Ukrainians are victims, Russians are victims – their civilians and young soldiers are dying. We too are victims, because we are financing the slaughter. The military-industrial complex are war-profiteers. And NATO is happy.

Peace in Europe and for the world requires that all Europeans look for and find their common ground. The Russians are very much Europeans and will remain so.

The Ukrainian and Russian languages are extremely close as the Ukrainian and Russian cultures. Their differences are artificially generated for geopolitical reasons.

The West has artificially separated the Ukrainian and Russian peoples who have lived together in peace for centuries.