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COMMENTS FROM SOME OF THE WEBINAR ATTENDEES Presentation cover | EMF & EHS Archive 🇬🇧 (en)

Presentation covered some of the so called 'conspiracy theories' and has cleared up some of the doubts as presented in the mainstream media. JazakAllah / The webinar was very interesting, there were some good points I learnt, eg. using Fulvic acid and Glutathione as antioxidants. You also got me thinking about the level of radiation due to wifi in my home and how to measure and mitigate it as much as possible. Jazakallah / Good Day. It was a very informative and enlightening webinar. I held on to every word, would certainly appreciate to be apart of any future webinars of this kind. Quite intrigued . Lol I'm already on day 1 of a water fast. Just wanted also enquire in terms of sound frequency healing. Which Frequency Hz you would recommend? / Thank you for a very eye opening session on Wednesday evening. I got a lot of value from it. I made notes and slowly working on eliminating the radiation elements and very conscious of it now too. It's so easy to not take it seriously because you can't see it. I'm struggling quite a lot mentally and emotionally processing what we are experiencing but one thing is I feel so blessed to not have fallen into the trap like so many have. For me now is a mission to disentangle myself from the dependence I have of all things government and corporate as I don't trust anything and know that there will be mechanisms put into place to remove our basic necessities to force us to fall in line. I'm very grateful to be building a community of people around me who share my views as it is a very lonely world for me right now as most of my family and friends are against me on this one. Thank you for all the shares. Stay blessed. / It was to the point and very informative shukran. I checked on the site for 5g equalizers. I don't know if it's just mental but I put my phone on airplane and I felt different waking up this morning alhamdulilaah. Calmer. No heaviness on chest. / Thanx Doctor, it was truly eye opening! I've always known there was no covid but the presentation about wifi gave me an answer as to why people have symptoms and land in hospital. I've always had arguments with people, ones from the suburbs mostly, who claim they buried a lot of loved ones even before vaccine came around. I couldn't understand why they were sick and most of us in the townships were simply living life without issues. Now I know why, in their areas just about every house has wifi whereas in Soweto you'd find one or two houses with wifi in the entire street or none at all, the latter being more common. / Hi Dr K ! Watched it with my Mother & my Brother...We all really enjoyed it...very informative. We were taking Notes! Was my 1st ever zoom meeting, it played smooth... and Sorry I didn't comment or question... I didn't have a Mic... but Thanx for Shoutout.. You need to school some of these other Doctor's they all fast asleep and brainwashed...lol / Your "teaching" was teriffic - soooo informative. Thank you so much. / Aslm. JazakAllah for the presentation. Very informative indeed. / Wasalaam thx was very informative but I will send you a few questions later if you don’t mind, and can respond to them when you have time Shukran / Hello Dr Kirsten. Your webnair was most informative. This makes more sense to me than what is being shoved down our throats. I can't believe I've only come across your work now. That being said I do remember (I'm sure it was you) who spoke a few times many years ago on the espresso show on SABC. Please let me know of future webnairs. Many thanks and regards. P.s I've never owned a microwave...yes people think I'm strange / Good evening Dr Kirsten, it was very insightful. / Hi Dr, it was great thank u. I just wish i was able to jot down the notes faster Would a recorded version be available for us? / Greetings. The webinar was very informative and concise. Some basic science, a list of EMF dangers and solutions to reduce the negative impact on the body.