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New words –9 MAY 2022 time millionaire noun [C] UK /ˌtaɪm | Cambridge Words 2022

New words –9 MAY 2022

time millionaire noun [C]

UK /ˌtaɪm mɪl.jəˈneəʳ/ US /ˌtaɪm mɪl.jəˈner/

someone who places more importance on the amount of free time they have than on how much money they earn

Writer Nilanjana Roy coined the term “time millionaires,” or people that “measure their worth not in terms of financial capital, but according to the seconds, minutes, and hours they claw back from employment for leisure and recreation.” Time millionaires view a job simply as a way to keep a roof over their head and value their time more than tangible wealth.

New words – 2022

by Cambridge Words
